NEW 22’x8’
When I first met Ron Radon Jr I asked him what advice he would give to a young boat builder that wants to continue on the legacy of building Radon type boats. His advice was simple: Hire me to teach you to build your own molds. Our new 22’ is a product of that. Over several weeks during the winter of 2019, I flew up to Oregon to work with Ron designing and building our plug which would later be transported to Ventura to finish fairing and start building the mold.

25-27’x8.5’ LRB
This design comes from a collaboration between Ron Radon Jr and Mike Radon back in 1988. Mike needed a boat to carry a load of urchins similar to a 32 but in a more trailerable design. This design has been well loved by commercial divers and fisherman for its weight load capacity and reliability in rough seas. In 2018 we were lucky enough to help lay up the last 29x9 (from a modified 27’ mold) that Ron built in Oregon before handing us the mold to continue the legacy of this design at our shop in Ventura, Ca.

29’x 9’ LRB 2.0
Based off the 27 LRB, Ron raised the bow and gunnels to update the old school work boat to a more sporty look and add to the deck size to cater to the sport fishing market.

16’ x 5.5’
These little boats are awesome for a quick dive adventure and they are great on fuel economy when paired with a 140 Suzuki Outboard. You can expect top speeds around 45 MPH and cruise 25MPH burning 7miles per gallon.

Glass Ply One Off’s
This is a picture from our build with Jay Nelson. This was a passion project and collaboration where we got to create the boat from scratch. We started with a stack of plywood and were able to play with every aspect of the build to create a totally custom, one of a kind boat. The main variable we got to play with was the entry and belly of the hull. We designed it based off my work with Ron Radon Jr. when we created the plug for the 22’ model. We moved the belly up a bit to play with the planing dynamics while maintaining the ability to surf home on a rough following sea.